
How Much Air Resistance Acts On A 100 N Bag Of Nails That Falls At Its Terminal Speed

  • "Force causes acceleration. Pressure level causes pain." The forces acting on an object determine how the object volition accelerate. A volume with a mass of 1 kg will accelerate at 5 thou/sii when a cyberspace forcefulness of 5 N acts on it - no affair how the force is practical. Pressure depends both on force and the expanse over which the strength is applied (P = F/A), then the v Due north force spread over the cover of the book volition result in a very pocket-sized pressure on the volume (large area), but a 5 N force applied with the point of a pin will outcome in a very large pressure on the book (same force, tiny expanse), and will probably damage the book.
  • The person continuing up exerts more than force per unit area on the footing. Annotation that the person exerts the same forcefulness on the ground no thing what - her weight. When she is standing, her weight is applied to the ground through a small area (the soles of her feet) resulting in a relatively large pressure on the basis. When she lies down, the same force is applied over a much larger area (her whole trunk) resulting in less pressure on the ground.

    This is why you are told that "if you lot are on a frozen swimming, and the ice starts to fissure - prevarication down immediately!" This is very good communication! When y'all prevarication down, you exert the same force on the ice (your weight), but over a much larger surface area. Therefore y'all exert less pressure on the ice. Force per unit area, not forcefulness, breaks the ice.

  • The two rocks fall with the same acceleration because acceleration depends non just on the cyberspace force (in this case, the net force on each rock is its weight), but too on mass.

    The internet force on the 2 kg stone is its weight, 20 N (mg). Its acceleration is determined by Newton's Second Law: a = Fnet/m = 20 N/2 kg = 10 m/south2=thou.

    The net force on the 1 kg rock is its weight, x N. Its dispatch is a = Fnet/m = 10 North/i kg = 10 1000/due south2= g.

    The heavier stone is existence pulled toward the world past twice every bit much force (its weight), but it has twice as much inertia (mass), so it resists accelerating twice as much. You lot take to pull twice as hard on the heavier rock to get it to accelerate at the same rate as the lighter rock!

  • (This question is much the same equally question 12, merely this answer is more abstract. Exist certain that you sympathise question 12 first.) The dispatch of an object is determined by Newton'due south 2d Police: a = Fcyberspace/m. For an object in free fall (no air resistance), the internet force on it is its weight = mg. Therefore, a = Fnet/m = (mg)/one thousand = g for any object in costless fall. The coin and the plume have the aforementioned acceleration of free fall because they have the same ratio of weight to mass.
  • If an object is falling in air, there is an air resistance force, R, pushing on it (upwardly) in addition to its weight, mg, pulling information technology downward. Therefore, the internet force on the object at any time is Fnet = mg - R. Newton'southward 2d Law says that a = Fnet/grand = (mg - R)/chiliad = g - R/one thousand as the object falls in air.

    Therefore, an object'southward acceleration volition exist less (by an amount R/m) if air resistance is a factor - but how much less is that?

    The air resistance force, R, on an object depends on its surface area and its speed relative to the air. Suppose that the coin and the plume have the aforementioned surface area. (They don't have to, but y'all tin work out the details for the other cases yourself.) When they are traveling at the aforementioned speed, they would have the aforementioned air resistance forcefulness pushing on them, right? But since the plume weighs less than the coin, the net force on the plumage (= mg - R) will be less for the feather than for the coin, so the plume'south acceleration will be less than the coin's.

    Additionally, the plumage will reach a much lower final velocity (when mg = R) than the money, because it volition have a much smaller air resistance strength to equal the weight of the feather than to equal the weight of the coin.

  • The bag of nails will reach its terminal speed when the cyberspace force on it is zero, which is when the (upward) air resistance force equals the (downward) weight force. Since the bag weighs 100 N, it will achieve concluding velocity when the air resistance strength on it is 100 N.
  • An object will reach its terminal speed when the net force on information technology is naught, which is when the (upward) air resistance force equals the (downward) weight force.
  • A skydiver will reach last velocity when the (upward) air resistance force on her equals the weight force pulling her down. Therefore, a heavy skydiver requires more air resistance forcefulness to attain final velocity than a light skydiver. The air resistance force depends both on the surface area of the skydiver and on her speed relative to the air, so if ii skydivers take the same expanse, the heavier one will accept to be going faster in order to reach terminal velocity.

    In order to fall at the same rate, skydivers adjust their area. Heavy skydivers need more expanse to reach final velocity at a lower speed, so they could spread out their artillery and legs and fall face downwards, for instance. Light skydivers need less expanse to reach terminal velocity at a higher speed, and then they could pull in their arms and legs.

  • The internet force on a 25 N freely falling (no air resistance) object is its weight, 25 N. If it encounters fifteen N of air resistance, the net forcefulness on it is 10 N (25 Due north downwardly, 15 N upwards). If information technology encounters 25 N of air resistance, the net force on it is zero - information technology volition non accelerate, so it is at its terminal velocity.
  • To say that "A = B" means that A and B e'er take the same value. When A is 1, B is one. When A is 3, B is 3. When A is -5, B is -5, too.

    To say that "A is proportional to B" means that A and B change in the aforementioned style. If B is 3 when A is ii, then B will exist 6 when A is 4 (if A doubles, B doubles), and B volition be 9 when A is half dozen ( if A triples, B triples).

  • If an object has cipher acceleration, you can conclude that the net force on it is zip. The net force on an object can be naught if (a) no forces push or pull on it, or (b) if all of the forces that push or pull on it cancel (residue) exactly. So, if the acceleration of an object is zero, y'all cannot conclude that no forces act on it.
    A gratis diagram that illustrates forces interim on an object that is not accelerating (is in equilibrium) could exist something similar: FBD. As long every bit the forces remainder exactly, you're OK.
  • When a rock is thrown direct upward, its acceleration at the peak of its path is m = 10 m/stwo - non zero (its velocity is zero). Its acceleration tin't be zero , since if information technology were, its velocity would not change, correct? If you lot throw a rock up into the air, it doesn't stay at that place, does it? After all, 1 second ago, its velocity was 10 m/s upwardly, and one 2d from now, its velocity volition be 10 m/s downward.

    Using Newton's 2nd Constabulary every bit a guide, the acceleration of the rock, a = Fnet/thousand = mg/k = grand no thing where the stone is, or what the stone is doing.

  • Since the book is sliding at abiding velocity, its acceleration is cipher. Since its acceleration is nothing, the net force on information technology must be zero (Newton's First Law). Since the cyberspace strength is zero, all of the forces on the book must cancel exactly. Therefore, the friction force on the book must be exactly 1 Newton.
  • A sharp knife cuts ameliorate than a dull pocketknife, because, for the same force, the sharp knife exerts more pressure than a dull pocketknife. The sharp pocketknife exerts its force over a pocket-sized area of contact, which results in a large force per unit area. The slow pocketknife exerts its force over a large area, which results in less pressure. Pressure cuts.

    (Note: "Well, because it's precipitous, stupid!" would not be considered a proficient answer to this question...)

  • As the skydiver falls faster and faster through the air, the net force on her decreases, and her acceleration decreases. Every bit she falls, her weight (mg) pulls her down, and an air resistance force, R, pushes her upward. The net force on the skydiver is therefore Fnet = mg - R. As she falls faster and faster, the air resistance forcefulness on her increases, while her weight remains abiding. Therefore, the internet force on her decreases. Past Newton's 2nd Law, a = Fnet/m, so if the net force on her decreases (and her mass remains abiding) her dispatch decreases.
  • She gains more speed during the get-go second of fall. Since acceleration is the rate velocity changes, velocity changes fastest when acceleration is greatest. Her acceleration is greatest but after she jumps out of the airplane (come across T&E #8).

    She falls farthest during the 9th second of autumn. Velocity is the rate position changes, so position changes fastest when the velocity is greatest. Since the skydiver has been accelerating for 9 seconds, she is moving the fastest during the 9th second.

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